Monday, May 22, 2023

Nobody owes you a living

IN this week’s Success: The Insight Story column, KL Wellness City Sdn Bhd managing director Datuk Dr Colin Lee Soon Soo shares his views with SunBiz.

How has your life experience made you the leader you are today?

> Gone through numerous tough challenges. They were great learning experiences especially on the true character of people. Also teaches me to be humble and have more empathy with others.

> Don’t let opportunities pass you by.

> Take on challenges.

What traits do you look for in your talent or how do you decide who is right for a job?

For high level jobs, I look for people who are passionate in what they do, who are resourceful, and tenacious.

How do you think the industry you are in will evolve in the future?

In the field of in vitro fertilisation (IVF), technology and artificial intelligence will play an increasingly important role in delivering success rates, but human expertise, skill, experience and clinical acumen would still be indispensable.

What advice can you offer those looking to start their career/own business?

Assess your own strengths and limitations. Build on strengths, test your limitations. Believe in yourself.

What do you want to accomplish in the next five years?

> To realise the vision of KL Wellness City at Bukit Jalil via, amongst others, successful delivery of KL International Hospital and the Nobel Healthcare Park.

> To establish cures for at least a few types of cancers using immunotherapy through Cartherics Pty Ltd, a company based in Melbourne that I’m involved in.

Best piece of advice you ever received on your career.

Nobody owes you a living.

What was the biggest challenge you’ve faced, what did you learn from it?

> People capital and dealing with the lack of logical thought processes in many.

> Trying to inculcate good core values and attitudes.

> Those who are capable are keen to learn and those who are not capable or not keen to. To invest in the former group, and to appreciate and nurture whatever good points in the latter.

What are the top three factors you would attribute your success to?

Consistently adhering to core values of excellence, innovation, and integrity.

Dr Colin Lee Soon Soo

Source: The Sun Daily

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